Fun with Color

Last weekend, I took some time and painted a few objects from around the house that I've been wanting to update.

Here are the befores and afters:

Lamps (x2):

Ugly Gold Framed Mirrors (x2):
Corgi butt!

Hooks (x2):

While I extensively documented the process for all of them on film, they all just took the same few steps as always:

1.) Disassemble (for the lamp, I had to take off the shade and block off the sections I didn't want to paint with painters tape.  For the mirrors, I had to remove the frames from the mirrored glass and for the hooks, I had to take off each hook and save all the screws and hooks in one spot).

2.) Clean (wiped down with a light soapy solution, then let dry)

3.) Set up painting area (outside on a table covered with an old shower curtain)

4.) Lay out objects to be painted and make sure that none are too close if they are to be different colors

5.) Paint the first coat (for the metal pieces, I used a spray primer.  For everything else, just the spray paint in the color I wanted)

6.) Let dry then paint the second coat

7.) Let dry then paint a third coat (if needed)

8.) Let dry for a couple of hours

9.) Reassemble pieces and enjoy!

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